Feb. 11 – Yuma Crossing Day

We stayed in town an extra day to see the Yuma Crossing Day Celebration along historic Madison street in the old town section. It was centered around the Sanquinetti House Museum, an 1870’s adobe house converted to a museum to highlight the history of the region from the mid 1500’s to the present. There were several colorful  re-enactors dressed in period costumes from a 1540’s Spanish soldier and his wife to an 1870’s riverboat captain, an 1880’s couple, and 2 ladies circa 1912 describing the ‘Valentine’s Statehood’ of Arizona  100 years ago. There were even a couple of banditos, but they left their stinking badges at home! The most photogenic though, were the young folklorico dancers waiting for their turn to perform.


One Response to “Feb. 11 – Yuma Crossing Day”

  1. Ann-Marie Villasana Says:

    These are the famous “viejito” dancers from Michoacan, Mexico. The dance originated with the Purepecha people of the highlands of Michoacan. The dances represent old men transforming into young frolicking men.